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Lock in the nutritional benefits of milk with LocNutri®


A healthy digestive system plays a crucial role in strengthening your child's immunity and supporting overall growth. That's why we have developed Friso® Gold's easy-to-digest formula that incorporates our innovative LocNutri® Technology. With Friso® Gold, mothers everywhere can provide their children with the nourishment they need to be stronger inside.

The Technology Behind Friso® Gold's Easy to Digest Formula: LocNutri®

Easy to digest formula matters for your little ones because their digestive system is still developing. By ensuring a formula is easy to digest, parents can ensure optimal nutrient absorption and reduce potential digestive discomforts.

Proteins supply the building blocks for the body to grow. Therefore, they need to be well digested and absorbed.

LocNutri® retains 90% of milk's natural nutrient*, making it easier for your child's delicate digestive system to digest the milk protein.

The Friso® Gold Difference: Our Single Manufacturing Process

Good quality raw ingredients require minimal processing. That's why Friso® Gold follows a Single Manufacturing Process. In contrast to the Double Manufacturing Process, which involves multiple heating steps during formula milk production, the Single Manufacturing Process uses mild heat treatment. This approach safeguards protein quality, ensuring the formula is easy to digest. Here are the four steps to producing Friso® Gold's formula:

Simply put, the more processed the milk, and more times it gets heated, the more its protein structure gets altered. The less processed it is, the better because more natural nutrients are preserved, which in turn promotes better digestion.

Additional Details

  • Importance of Easy to Digest Formula

    Easy to digest formula is important when dealing with the delicate digestive systems of young children. Their stomach and intestines are still developing, making them sensitive to what they consume. Formulas, whether they are cow's milk-based, soy-based, or hydrolysed, play a pivotal role in their nourishment.

    Lactose, a sugar found in milk, can sometimes be a challenge for little ones to digest. As a result, manufacturers often formulate lactose-free options, aided by enzymes like lactase, which help break down lactose. Proteins, such as whey and casein, are vital for growth, but they too, can be tough on a young child’s digestive system. This is where hydrolysed formulas come into play. With these formulas, proteins are broken down, making them easier to digest and absorb.

    The role of fats like MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides) are equally crucial. They provide essential calories, and their easier absorption can soothe a child's digestive system. Additionally, probiotics, often added to formulas, support healthy gut flora, further aiding in digestion.

    However, it's not just about what's added to the formula; it's also about what's excluded. Allergens like soy and gluten can trigger adverse reactions in young children. Caregivers, including parents and pediatricians, need to be vigilant and compare different formulas to evaluate which one their child can best tolerate. The need for hypoallergenic, organic, non-GMO, and lactose-free options underlines the importance of choice and variety in the market.

    Manufacturers, driven by research and feedback, may occasionally introduce new formulations, targeting specific digestive needs. Additionally, packaging, in cans or bottles, should also be carefully designed to optimise the formula's freshness and integrity.

    Ultimately, the goal of any formula is to nourish a child, while reducing any symptoms or discomfort related to digestion. As caregivers research, choose, and purchase these formulas, they rely heavily on pediatricians to recommend the most suitable options. It's a collective effort to ensure that children thrive, while avoiding any adverse reactions.

  • How Formula is Made

    The complex process of formula production underscores the vital role early nutrition plays in a child’s development. At the heart of this intricate process are the ingredients, carefully chosen by manufacturers to closely mimic the nutritional benefits found in mothers’ breast milk. This is critical for young children, who need foods with high nutritional value to grow and develop.

    While good nutrition is crucial for young children, taste and texture are also of high importance. Milk [whole milk, skim milk] and liquid whey, make the primary base of formulas to which key vitamins, minerals and functional ingredients, like prebiotics are added. They all need to be of the highest quality and of traceable source to ensure the formula is safe and suitable.

    The role of manufacturers is just as crucial as they have advanced machinery and technology to monitor every step of the formula making process: from mixing to packaging, to adhering to local, regional, and global standards.

    Pasteurising is a critical step aimed at ensuring sterility by eliminating potential harmful bacteria that could compromise the formula’s safety. Post-production, rigorous testing in labs is done to ensure that every attribute, from shelf life to nutritional content, meets the highest standards.

    Quality control helps ensure that every batch of formula that reaches consumers has passed a myriad of tests and checks. This is especially vital as any compromise can impact the health of young children.

    Lastly, packaging plays a dual role. Not only does it preserve the shelf life of the product, ensuring the formula remains safe for consumption, it also provides essential information for caregivers about the nutrients contained within and instructions for preparation.

    In essence, the process of manufacturing formula requires a combination of cutting-edge science, extensive care, and dedication to ensure that even little ones who cannot be breastfed will receive the best possible start in life.

*Natural nutrient refers to an essential amino acid (lysine) in milk protein