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Eating better for healthy pregnancy

What Healthy Foods to Eat During Pregnancy

Planning to eat better but not sure where or how to start? We’ve got some tips on what the best foods to eat are for healthy pregnancy.

Video Transcript

You need not “eat for 2”

You will probably find that you are more hungry than usual, but you do not need to "eat for 2" – even if you are expecting twins or even triplets5. Try instead to have a healthy breakfast every day during your pregnancy, because this can prevent you from snacking on foods that are high in fat and sugar.

Eating healthily often means changing the amounts of different foods you eat, so that your diet is varied, rather than cutting out all your favourites5.


Eat more whole foods

Take a good look inside your kitchen. Identify and resolve to eat less processed and refined foods that are nothing but sugar and empty calories. Instead, fill your grocery basket with nourishing whole foods such as leafy vegetables and fresh fruits1. Pick them out in a glorious spectrum of colours to ensure you’re packing enough antioxidants, vitamins and minerals into your body for a healthy pregnancy.


Forget low fat

Trying to lose weight while your body’s busy growing another human being doesn’t make sense. As a mum-to-be, your child gets nutrients from what you eat. Traditional, nature-designed good fats like olive oil, coconut oil, cod liver oil, butter, nuts, eggs and meat are vital for building your child’s brain and organs2. It is always best to have a balanced diet and follow your doctor’s recommendation on the best foods for a healthy pregnancy.


Up your iron intake

Iron is an extremely important nutrient during your pregnancy2. It helps to build your placenta and support oxygenating blood for your growing child. Red meat is one of the best foods to eat during pregnancy as it is full of iron. Other iron-rich food for a healthy pregnancy include turkey and chicken meat, fish, legumes, vegetables and grains3.


Have some herbs

Always consult your doctor or a qualified herbalist before taking any herbs during your pregnancy. Just because they are natural products doesn’t mean they are necessarily safe or the best food for a healthy pregnancy. Depending on your physical condition and if approved by your doctor or a qualified herbalist, some herbs like red raspberry leaf, nettle leaf, alfalfa leaf and peppermint can be beneficial when taken in moderation4.


How to prepare food safely

  • Wash fruit, vegetables and salads to remove all traces of soil, which may contain toxoplasma which is a parasite that can cause toxoplasmosis. This parasite can cause harm to your unborn child5.
  • Wash all surfaces and utensils, and your hands, after preparing raw foods such as poultry, meat, eggs, fish, shellfish and raw vegetables to avoid food poisoning5.
  • Make sure that raw foods are stored separately from ready-to-eat foods, otherwise there's a risk of contamination5.
  • Use a separate knife and chopping board for raw meat, vegetables, and others5.


Foods to avoid

Knowing what foods to eat during your pregnancy is important. However, it is also vital to acknowledge what food you should avoid.

  • Raw or undercooked fish, like sushi or raw oysters6
  • Raw or undercooked meats, poultry, or eggs6
  • Unpasteurized juice, milk, or cheese — make sure it says “pasteurised” on the label6
  • Prepared meat or seafood salads like ham salad, chicken salad, or tuna salad6


Frisomum® Gold – Our Formula Milk Alternative During Your Pregnancy


To address the specific needs of mums-to-be, maternal milk is often recommended as it helps balance both your and your child’s nutritional needs safely. We have formulated Frisomum® Gold with both mum and child in mind, and its unique Dual Care+ formula supports you on your pregnancy journey. Some of the vital nutrients that Frisomum® Gold provides you with include:


Vitamin D - Vitamin D is necessary for the absorption and utilisation of calcium and phosphorus7.


Calcium - Helps in the normal growth and development of bones and teeth8.


Vitamin B12 - Needed for red blood cell production and the healthy functioning of the nervous system9.


Folic Acid - Folic acid is essential for growth and division of cells. Folate plays a role in the formation of red blood cells. Folate helps to maintain the growth and development of the foetus10.


Iodine - Essential for the formation of thyroid hormones, which supports brain development11.


Low glycemic index - The glycaemic index (GI) is a rating system for foods containing carbohydrates. It shows how quickly food affects your blood sugar (glucose) level when eaten on its own. The low glycemic index (GI) could help the mother avoid being overweight during pregnancy.


When you consider maternal milk powder, it is also best to consider the origins of the milk, the process of manufacturing, and nutrient content as well as one which helps you control weight gain during pregnancy. Frisomum® Gold preserves the natural nutrients of the milk to give you what you need in your pregnancy journey. Now that you are aware of what to eat during pregnancy and the importance of maternal milk/susu, check out what Frisomum® Gold has to offer now!




  7. Vitamin D. (2022). Retrieved 14 June 2022, from 
  8. Calcium. (2022). Retrieved 14 June 2022, from 
  9. B Vitamins. (2022). Retrieved 14 June 2022, from 

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