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A young child feeding geese and exploring nature

Sense And Abilities Activities for Children

“Nature’s diversity is such a rich resource for exploration and sensory learning, offering stimuli for our 5 senses and allowing our brain to give these sensations meaningful interpretations. Symbolic learning, for example, from the television or books would never equal to the experience of being there in the midst of nature! Watching a documentary about a camping trip to the jungle or forest would not be the same as actually being on the trip and feasting the senses on all the sights and sounds. When our children spend time with nature, they learn to respect and appreciate it. They are much healthier, developing gross and fine motor coordination, enjoying their outdoor activities and learning skills. They learn to socialise and interact, sharing and building relationships.” – Dr Aw Tui Lar, Consultant Psychiatrist

The outdoor book of senses

Divide an empty notebook into 5 sections – one for each sense – and create your own nature logbook. Play the “I spy” game outdoors and let your child record his observations in the different sections of the logbook as he explores all 5 senses.

Logbook for children to record their observations on nature and environment
A child using his sense of sight to observe a ladybug with a magnifying glass

See: I spy with my little eye

Walk around your nearest park and get your child to guess an item that you see. For example, “I spy with my little eye, something that’s red and has wings!”.

A child using his sense of smell to pick up on the scent of a flower

Smell: I smell with my little nose

Take a deep breath at the beach. What do you smell? Using the same idea, get your child to guess what you’re smelling. Is it the salty scent of the seawater?

A child placing his hand next to his ear to pick out sounds using his auditory sense

Hear: I hear with my little ear

Bring your child out for a walk around the neighbourhood and pick out interesting sounds. Prompt your child to listen out for the melody of chirping birds or the breeze.

A child uses his sense of taste and try the ice-cream

Taste: I taste with my little tongue

Plan a picnic by the playground. Mix in some sour cherries and salty cheddar, and let your child identify the foods while being blindfolded.

A child strokes the fur of a cat and uses her sense of touch

Touch: I touch with my little finger

Stroll along a trail of touch at your nearby garden. Blindfold your child, then proceed to feel the textures of tree barks and flowers.

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