The Journey of Pregnancy: Your Child’s Development, Month by Month
Let’s take a peek inside your womb to see how your child develops from.... read more
Sleeping on your belly
Don’t worry! Sleeping on your belly won’t hurt your child, contrary to popular belief. It is completely safe and shouldn’t affect you till your second trimester. In fact, it’s not uncommon that your pregnancy to be noticeable before your fourth month.
Sleeping on your back
Sleeping on your back is the best position for good circulation. But pregnancy can cause your uterus to grow and put pressure on your blood vessels and bladder. If you don’t experience any unease or stuffiness, then continue to sleep on your back. You could also sleep with a pillow at your feet, to increase circulation. But remember, it will probably be difficult to do once you reach the 3rd trimester, so listen to your body as to what is most comfortable.
Sleep on your right side
Your inferior vena cava (IVC) is a big vein to the right side of your body, in front of your spine. If obstructed, it can cause malaise - however, unlike what is usually thought, pressing on the IVC does not influence your child's blood flow.
Sleeping on your left side
This is the best position for pregnant mums! It is advised to sleep on the left side because it improves blood flow and breathing. So, when it doubt, sleep on your left side - it’s good for you and your child.
Three quarter position
This is also known as the SOS position. With the help of a pillow or cushion, place it between your thighs to allow proper blood flow and relieve muscular tension and ease your joints, which are going to be tired from carrying the added weight of your child growing. Don't hesitate to take many pillows and place them under your arms, under your belly, behind your back (to prevent rolling over during the night).
Stress less, sleep more
A main factor in finding it hard to fall asleep is that you are stressed out. So please, just relax. Talk to your partner about your concerns and work together to find a solution.