How the Feeding Management of Dairy Cattle Makes a Difference
Ever wondered how the milk in your child's favourite formula is produc.... read more
If you haven't guessed the answer already, the source of quality milk is the grass that cows feed on.
The more nutritious the grass, the better quality the milk they produce. Healthy cows are happy cows. Supplement your child’s nutrition with the abounding milk nutrients of grass fed cows, to gift him or her a strong and healthy start to life.
You see, Friso® Gold farms are farmer-owned. This means our farmers care for the grass that their cows feed on, as well as the soil the grass grows on. They manage the pastures year round, rotating grazing between fields so their cows always have the freshest grass to eat.
Ever wondered how Dutch farms keep producing quality milk for decades? Well, not only does the government support us, our farmers also work together to keep the land as healthy as possible. They use farming practices with low impact on the land and the environment.
Friso® Gold, made with NOVAS™ Signature Milk, is crafted from our Holland dairy science expertise, which includes specially selected cows and customised feeds.
All this care and attention we pour into the land and the grass we feed our cows is the first step to how we produce quality, nutrient rich milk for your child.